intro to design and creative thinking
You are accustomed to seeing type everyday in your lives, but have you ever really looked at the letters that make up the words that you read? There are thousands of typefaces. One of the easiest ways to differentiate them is whether they are SERIF or SANS-SERIF type faces. Serifs are the pointy feet and ends that are attached to the ends of a letter. Most famous monuments, Roman and Greek architecture, churches and public buildings have inscriptions carved into them that make use of serif type faces. Look around you...Where do you see this type of face?
It is commonly believed that the serif designed into these fonts help your eyes track the words that are printed across the page such as in a book, magazine, or newspaper....the serifs acting as pointers or an implied line that your eye follows as you read! The serif keeps you from jumping from one line of text to another!
Serif Type Characters