intro to design and creative thinking
Tesselation/M.C. Escher
After experimenting with the basics of Adobe llustrator and beginning to comprehend the basic art elements of line, color, shape and space... You will put into practice your basic understanding of the of the pen tool,copy/paste shortcuts, rotation amd clipping masks!
You will design a work of art based upon M. C Esher's mastery of Tesselations!
Maurits Cornelis Esche 's work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorationsof infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, and tessellations.
Early in his career, he drew inspiration from nature, making studies of insects, landscapes, and plants such as lichens, all of which he used as details in his artworks. He traveled in Italy and Spain, sketching buildings, townscapes, architecture and the tilings of the Alhambra and the Mezquita of Cordoba, and became steadily more interested in their mathematical structure.
Escher's art became well known among scientists and mathematicians, and in popular culture!