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After experimenting with the basics of Adobe llustrator/Gravit and beginning to comprehend the basic art elements of line, color, shape and will now learn about perspective.


You will design multiple pieces of art using one and two point perspective. You will need to understand, be able to explain and create art that uses the following vocabulary: Atmospheric Perspective, Overlapping Perspective,1 Point and 2 Point Perspective,

Horizon Line, Vanishing Point(s),

Vertical Lines, Horizontal Lines, 

Diagonal (Guide) Lines, Perpendicular Lines, Parallel Lines, Gradient, Texture, Cast Shadow, Converging lines, Foreground and Background, Picture Planes and Light Source 

Experiment, massage, manipulate your design until you are satisfied. Create multiple designs (3)....Do Not be satisfied with your first attempt! 

2 pt. streets.jpg
1 point street.jpg
2 pt photojpg.jpg
i pt persp.jpg
1 pt photo.jpg
i pnt art.jpg
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