intro to design and creative thinking
One Point Perspective
The example to the right is for you to refer when working on your 1 Point Perspective Project.
The Rules for this project are:
1) 8 1/2 x 11 landscape page
2) Horizon line a bit below horizontal center,
must have a minimum of 3 vanishing points on the Horizon Line (HL)
3)Must have a minimum of 3 rectangular solids above and below HL for a total of 6.
4) Solids must be one color only, can include tints, shades, and gradients...textures a plus if possible!
No strokes of color around shapes, color fills only!
5) You must define a light source which will define the value of your color and shadows!
6)All solids must cast a shadow on the ground or another solid
7)At least two solids must have some type of cut out and one solid must be transparent.
NOTE: Solids have 6 transparent sides
8)Background and ground plane must be colored...a gradient fill should be used
9) Finished art shows no guidelines..all guidelines should be on a separate layer that can be hidden
10) EXTRA CREDIT: Connect one or more objects with a tube...Note round end caps on visible connections or attempt to pierce one of your solids with another solid.
Project Sample: for inspiration only!
Do not directly "Copy, Rip Off, Duplicate, Trace, Steal" elements in this example...your art may be similar but can not be an exact copy!!!!